Social Counseling

The AStA's social and financial counselling service is there to help you with any social and financial emergencies. Our counsellors are your first point of contact for worries, fears and problems. We offer you individual counselling and support, be it in disputes with people, authorities, insurance companies or when looking for a job. If necessary, we will accompany you to the authorities and help you find suitable solutions. In financial emergencies, there is also the option of an interest-free loan. We won't leave you hanging.

Another financial bottleneck? Are you wondering whether you are entitled to BAföG? We also know our way around student finance. We can help you with all your questions about financing your living expenses. Whether it's about financing options, student loans, loans, BAföG eligibility or supplementary income opportunities - we are there for you.

Our advice is always individualised and solution-oriented. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any problems or questions. We are here for you and won't leave you hanging.


Steven (Mönchengladbach)

Madleen (Krefeld Süd)

Frequently Asked Questions


What problems can the AStA social counselling service help me with?

Basically, you can come to the AStA social counselling service with all your worries and problems. It doesn't matter whether you have problems with your family, your studies or a conflict with friends. You are always welcome at our counselling service.


What can't the social counselling service do?

Social counselling is basically the first point of contact for all problems. Of course, we are not a substitute for psychotherapy, legal or medical counselling. Likewise, we are not a substitute for student counselling or an information point at the Examinations Office. But we do have the opportunity to find out together what and who could help you. We are in contact with various centres on different topics. We will find a solution together and support you in your emergency situation.


Up to what amount can loans be granted?

The AStA grants interest-free loans up to an amount of 500.00 euros. Only in exceptional cases can an additional 500.00 euros be applied for, but this requires separate authorisation (from the student parliament).


Who can apply for a loan?

Any properly enrolled student can apply for a loan.


How much time do I have to repay the loan?

In principle, the loan should be repaid as quickly as possible so that financial support can continue to be guaranteed for other students. In general, however, you have 12 months to repay your loan in instalments. This will be determined individually in a counselling interview. Please note that the loan must be repaid in full by the time you graduate. You may not take out a new loan while the old one is still being paid off.


What documents are required for the application?

  • Studierendenausweis (Student ID card)
  • Personalausweis (Identity Card)
  • Mietvertrag (+ evtl. Meldebescheinigung von allen Mitbewohnern der Wohnung, falls nicht im Mietvertrag aufgeführt) (Tenancy agreement (+ certificate of registration from all flatmates, if not listed in the tenancy agreement)
  • Bank statements of the last 3 months of ALL accounts (also credit card, Paypal, etc.)
  • evtl. Aufenthaltserlaubnis / Visum (Residence permit / visa (if applicable)
  • Any unpaid bills / reminders
  • If applicable, employment contract / proof of repayment option, if this is not evident from the bank statements
  • Notenspiegel / Transcript of grades


How do I apply for a loan?

You go to the specified consultation hours of the social counselling service on your campus or write an e-mail. (The social counselling service of another campus is not allowed to issue you a loan!) There you will discuss your situation together and then decide how to proceed. If a loan could help you, the social counselling service will fill out an application with you on site. To speed up the process, it would be good if you could bring all the documents with you to the first counselling appointment and have a rough overview of your income and expenses.


Counselling services offered by the Studierendenwerk

Our Studierendenwerk also offers counselling on all topics related to studying. Follow this Link.

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Any Questions?

For everything else, simply write an e-mail with a detailed description of your request and a meaningful subject to:

Krefeld West: kawtar.nassiri@asta.hn

Krefeld Süd: madleen.wiebe@asta.hn

Mönchengladbach: steven.schoefer@asta.hn