
Frequently Asked Questions

1. First Aid

Are you having problems finding your way around your studies?

The student councils (FSRs) are there for you!

FSR01 Chemie: fsr01@web.de

FSR02 Design: fsr02@asta.hn

FSR03 Informatik: fsr03@asta.hn / fsr03@hs-niederrhein.de

FSR04 Maschinenbau: fsr02@asta.hn

FSR05 Ökotrophologie: fsr05@asta.hn

FSR06 Sozialwesen: fsr06@hs-niederrhein.de

FSR07 Textil & Bekleidung: fsr07@hs-niederrhein.de

FSR08 Wirtschaftswissenschaft: fsr08@hs-niederrhein.de

FSR09 Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen: fsr09@hs-niederrhein.de

FSR10 Gesundheitswesen: fachschaft-10@hs-niederrhein.de

Studienverlaufsberatung at the university

If you are having problems finding your way through your studies, our aim and task is to support students in their studies and to help create the conditions for successful studies at the university.

Telephone: +49 (0)215-822 6628

E-Mail: Sandra Dölling

Do you have doubts about your studies?

Are you in doubt as to whether your current course of study is (still) the right one for you? Would you like to work out a 'Plan B'? NEXT STEP niederrhein coaching will help you to find your own path and make a good decision for yourself.

Contakt: desiree.krueger@hs-niederrhein.de

Further information on this topic can be found here: next step niederrhein

Studying with a disability / compensation for disadvantages:

If you have any questions about compensation for disadvantages, please contact: Dipl.-Verw.-Wirt Werner Janßen

Telephone: +49 (0)2151 822 2130

E-Mail: Werner Janssen

Psychosocial counseling center

If you need psychological or social counseling, the counseling center is based on an integrated concept of psychological and social counseling and is available throughout the course of your studies.

E-Mail: Psychosoziale Beratungsstelle

Studying abroad?

Do you have problems with the topic of studying abroad?

E-Mail: Margot Timmer

Central Student Advisory Service

Would you like to change the focus of your studies?

E-Mail: Studienberatung der Hochschule Niederrhein

Student financing

If you have problems with financing your studies or questions about the BAföG application, the Asta is there for you! Have a look at our student finance page.

Social counseling of the AStA

Our social counseling service will advise you on all topics relating to your studies and work with you to find a solution.

Beeing Queer

Our Beeing-Queer-Referat provides support and information on all topics relating to LGBTQ+

Counseling services of the Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf

The Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf also offers advice on all topics related to studying. Follow this link.

2. Semester ticket

Refund of the semester ticket fee

You can find all further information on the refund of the semester ticket fee here.

3. Apartment search

Search and find apartments

The start of a new degree course involves the work involved in finding accommodation. In addition to our notice board where you can find accommodation offers, there are also the following contact points:

Studentenwohnheim Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf

Immobilienscout 24





The following articles (in german) give you some tips on the financial and legal situation:

Wie du eine Studentenwohnung trotz angespanntem Wohnungsmarkt bekommst

Als Student eine Wohnung mieten – darauf kommt es an

Wohnen als StudentIn – Tipps zur Wohnungssuche

If you can't find anything for you at these addresses or if you have a very specific situation, you are welcome to come to our offices during our opening hours or send us an e-mail Together we will find a solution!