Student financing

The AStA's social and financial counselling service is there to help you with any social and financial emergencies. Our counsellors are your first point of contact for worries, fears and problems. We offer you individual counselling and support, be it in disputes with people, authorities, insurance companies or when looking for a job. If necessary, we will accompany you to the authorities and help you find suitable solutions. In financial emergencies, there is also the option of an interest-free loan. We won't leave you hanging.

Another financial bottleneck? Are you wondering whether you are entitled to BAföG? We also know our way around student finance. We can help you with all your questions about financing your living expenses. Whether it's about financing options, student loans, loans, BAföG eligibility or supplementary income opportunities - we are there for you.

Our advice is always individualised and solution-oriented. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any problems or questions. We are here for you and won't leave you hanging.

Kawtar (Krefeld West)

Madleen (Krefeld Süd)

Steven (Mönchengladbach)

Frequently Asked Questions


How much can I earn in addition to my BAföG grant?

You may not exceed the limit of €5,400 per year that you earn in addition to your BAföG funding. It doesn't matter whether you earn €450 per month for twelve months or €1,350 per month for four months during the semester break, for example. However, if you work 20 hours a week as a working student, this is no longer the case and your earnings will be taken into account. This means that your BAföG grant will be lower. If you earn more than €850 per month, your BAföG will be cancelled completely.


What do I have to consider as a working student?

If, as a student, you want to work permanently alongside your full-time studies, this activity is only exempt from social security contributions (working student privilege) if your studies remain the main thing and the employment remains a secondary matter. This is assessed using the 20-hour rule. So make sure that you do not work more than 20 hours per week during the lecture period. If you exceed this limit, you will be subject to social security contributions like a regular employee. However, there are also exceptions to the 20-hour rule. If you work during the lecture-free period (semester break), mainly during evening and night hours or at weekends, for no longer than a total of 26 weeks or 182 calendar days in the course of twelve months (not during a calendar year). The prerequisite remains that your studies take priority over your job. However, only your health insurance company decides whether this exception applies.


How am I insured during my studies?

As a first-year student, you can take out statutory or private health insurance. However, this decision cannot be changed during your studies. If you are still under 25, it is best to take out/remain covered by statutory health insurance. You will then be insured free of charge through your parents until the age of 25. After that, the student contribution to statutory health and long-term care insurance averages around 109 euros per month for those without children. From the age of 30, however, it becomes significantly more expensive. If you have a part-time job in addition to your studies, pay attention to how much you earn: family insurance through your parents only remains in place for a maximum monthly income of €455.


Which forms do I need and where do I send my BAföG application?

You need the following forms:

• Formblatt 01 - Antrag auf Ausbildungsförderung.

• Ggf. Formblatt 04 – Kinder der auszubildenden Person

• Formblatt 02 - Bescheinigung nach § 9 BAföG ausgefüllt ([Bescheinigung] nach § 9 BAföG)

• Formblatt 03 - Einkommenserklärung (Für jeweils beide Elternteile)

• Formblatt 05 - Leistungsbescheinigung von Ihrer Ausbildungsstätte nach § 48 BAföG (Ab 5. Semester)

• Ggf. Formblatt 06 - Ausbildung im Ausland (Zusatzblatt)

• Ggf. Formblatt 07 - Aktualisierung des Einkommens

• Ggf. Formblatt 08 - Antrag auf Vorausleistung

You can find all application forms here.

If you are a registered student at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, send your BAföG application to:

BAföG Amt Düsseldorf für Hochschulen (Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf)
Universitätsstraße 1,
Gebäude 21.12 Ebene 01,
40225 Düsseldorf


When do I have to submit a new BAföG application?

You do not have to submit your BAföG application for each semester, but only once a year. This means that your BAföG application, preferably complete, should be received by the Studierendenwerk by September. If your application (at least form 1) is received in September, you will receive an additional payment from then on, regardless of how long the processing takes or whether you still have to submit missing documents.


What other student financing options are there in addition to BAföG funding?

• The Daka Darlehen

The "Daka Loan" is an interest-free loan, with only 5% of the loan amount retained as administration costs. You can receive a student loan of up to €12,000 and twelve months after receiving your last payment, your repayments will begin. You will also need someone, e.g. a parent, who can vouch for you in an emergency. This person would have to earn around €1,400 per month to be accepted as a guarantor.

• KFW Studienkredit

The KFW student loan is an interest-bearing loan that you can obtain under any circumstances. The only requirement is that you are enrolled at a German university and are between 18 and 44 years old. With the KFW loan, you can receive up to €650 per month. After the last disbursement, you will enter the repayment phase and a repayment plan will be sent to you. However, you can also have this adapted to your individual requirements. The minimum monthly amount you have to repay is €50. According to the website, the KFW usually needs 14 days to process your application.


What do I have to bear in mind if I change my specialisation in order to continue receiving BAföG?

Please note that you have three semesters to consider whether you are satisfied with your degree programme. Then you should inform the Studierendenwerk responsible for you in writing that you are applying for a change of degree programme, because you need an "important reason". The two most common reasons would be, for example, a serious and fundamental change of inclination or a lack of intellectual, psychological or physical aptitude. Simply explain your current situation, e.g. that the subject does not suit you and you have realised that you are more interested in another area. Submit a new BAföG application.


Am I still entitled to BAföG funding if I am over 30?

If you are enrolled in a Bachelor's degree programme and turn 30 in the middle of your studies, the funding does not simply stop as long as you are still within the standard period of study. However, if you start a Bachelor's degree programme at 30, different rules apply. If you have already completed an apprenticeship/study programme, your parents are no longer liable to pay maintenance and you can receive BAföG independent of your parents after an individual assessment. To do this, you must submit an application for advance payment (Form 8), which includes a check as to whether your parents are still liable to pay maintenance. If you have worked for five years between your 18th birthday and the start of your studies, you are also eligible. If you are over 30 and are starting a Master's degree programme, you will not have any problems.


What are the requirements for parent-independent BAföG funding?

- If you apply for funding for a course of study/school education after five years of gainful employment with a certain minimum income.
- If you apply for BAföG for a course of study/school education after you have been gainfully employed for at least three years following vocational training (and have earned a certain minimum income during your employment); together with the training, you must have at least six years. A Bachelor's degree programme also counts as vocational training.
- For the acquisition of the general higher education entrance qualification via the second educational pathway.
- If you are over 30 years old at the start of the training period and fulfil other conditions.
- If your parents' place of residence is unknown or they are legally or actually prevented from providing maintenance in Germany.
- If you are an orphan.

Counselling services offered by the Studierendenwerk

Our Studierendenwerk also offers counselling on the topic of student financing. Follow this link.

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Any Questions?

For everything else, simply write an e-mail with a detailed description of your request and a meaningful subject to:

Krefeld West: kawtar.nassiri@asta.hn

Krefeld Süd: madleen.wiebe@asta.hn

Mönchengladbach: steven.schoefer@asta.hn