As THE student event location, the AStA-Keller has been a focal point for all cultural and social encounters for eons, be it music events or performances of all kinds, student projects, drinking sports events, parties, ... - There's something for everyone here. Have a look and see you in the Keller - Cheers!
Concerts & films
Parties & readings
Art & Culture
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to rent out the AStA-Keller privately, but do you have THE idea for a cultural student event and are still looking for a suitable location? Then get in touch with us with a small concept and we will be happy to see together whether the Keller would be suitable for your project.just contact us via
The AStA-Keller is run by students for students. Anyone who treats their fellow human beings with respect, tolerance and decency is welcome; arseholes are expressly NOT welcome, will be expelled from the premises, handed over to the police in case of doubt and prosecuted under criminal law!
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For everything else just send us an email to